The Regulations


There is a huge emphasis on Health and Safety in the current business environment and companies need to keep pace with advancing inspection requirements. For example, it is a legal requirement to record weekly scaffolding inspections with significant penalties for non-compliance.


It is the scaffold users / hires responsibility to ensure that all scaffolding has been inspected as follows:

  • Following installation / before first use
  • At an interval of no more than every 7 days thereafter
  • Following any circumstances liable to jeopardize the safety of the installation eg high winds.

compliance for scaffolding inspections

Construction worker holding a clipboard carrying out scaffolding inspections

Our Inspection Service

Statutory Scaffolding Inspections

TG20 Scaffolding Inspections provides an independent inspection service that complies with the legal requirements of TG20:13. These include:

  • Before use inspections (including Handover & Design Handover inspections)
  • Weekly inspections every 7 days
  • Requested Inspections (e.g after adverse conditions)

Highest Standard Of Reporting

We prepare a full written report and provide a register for each scaffold.

All of our Inspectors have extensive scaffolding industry experience and are fully trained and qualified to undertake these scaffolding inspections.

Visit Inspect7

Tristan Charles from Berkeley St Edward - Divisional Head of Health & Safety Tristan Charles Berkeley St Edward - Divisional Head of Health & Safety

Berkeley St Edward are well known for being innovators towards Health & Safety. We strive to lead the way for best practices and have had independent Inspections carried out on a number of high profile projects with great success.

Cost Calculator

Enter the project details to calculate the cost.

On average we recommend a minimum of 20 minutes per scaffold

*Estimated Cost:

Enter your contact details. We will give you a call to finish up.

    *Estimated cost is not a final cost and may be subject to change.

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